Friday, June 14, 2013

Cuddling...with a man pillow

So "e" clearly found this on some Pinterest board. It kind of fits the idea of filling the void and as mentioned E really likes to cuddle. Why not cuddle with an inanimate object like a man shaped pillow?

E was hanging out with a few peeps not that long ago when one of them brought up the idea of needing a partner to be successful and have kids. First, kids and success are two different things but you get the idea. You don't need a partner to do either. It's frustrating that society has decided to some extent that women are only "good enough" if we get married and pop out babies. Maybe this seems extreme but let's think about a few of them that have pushed this point of view lately. One idiot and yes, he's a idiot, said women can't have it all. Men can. Women lose perspective the minute the baby touches her bosom. So a women's nipple defines her future? That's just stupid. The pillow may be the better option after all...

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