Thursday, June 20, 2013

Flavored of a single girl

I'm spending a few days at my parents before heading to Las Vegas for the first time next week. While I visit my home town I like to think about all of the changes that have taken place in the last 2 years. The biggest is that I quit my job on a whim (leap without looking--hope I don't bottom) and took a teaching position at an alternative school. Yes, I was happier being cussed at and called a "bitch" on a semi-regular basis. I learned lots at that job including the meaning of "trains" -don't ask, the fact that kids will treat you like "fam" if you treat them well, and that if you can dish it out as well as take it you will survive. I learned that was my first "flavor" that I had good inner strength and the will to make a difference. I had a bunch of inner city "hood rats" as the kids called themselves doing P90x and walking the mile with me outside. The ice cream truck almost always a managed to come by on our walks and the kids would but me ice cream...but at least we were exercising.

I also bought a house, a scary prospect in itself but doing it alone I think is even scarier. I don't have someone to help support me so figuring out how to handle it alone became my second flavor. My basement was damaged in a recent flood and my crazy washer has decided it hates life (4 spin cycles and it leaks) but I will deal with it.

The third flavor became accepting who I am and where I am in life. That's still a work in progress. I mean who's perfect?

There are a lot more flavors to me but as I flutter about solo I think I will be just fine.

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