You know the song, "Its been a long time..." well that kind of describes how long its been since either of us have published. You would think that with E and FD living back in the Midwest and working in the same town with FD's goal to move to E's town we'd find the time to post. That hasn't been the case--life has been happening at a rapid rate with lots of stuff just falling into place. FD took a new job, moved home, and within a few months of new job was given a promotion. Now she's trying to find a place to rent--a pain to do when you have a dog, and the recent natural disaster in a close location hasn't helped her cause. Everything has seemed to fall into place so she's hoping this will as well.
E made the decision to start the journey to mommydom....and no there's not a guy in the picture. She's learned that maybe she's not meant to be with someone, at least right now. Online dating, meeting people through mutual friends/acquaintances, and even dating someone from her hometown (all in the space of the year) has yet again failed. E has prayed, talked to people, and researched the steps to take. She goes for her first consultation next week.
Two people, two big decisions--here's hoping 2014 is the year of BIG--and in good ways!